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Starting Strong with Edits

Phew! It's been a while.

I know I estimated I would be done with the editing process by the end of April, but now I doubt that I’ll be able to meet that deadline. Work and my other writing projects caught up with me.

The biggest thing I did until a few days ago was combine multiple chapters.

But I got some actual edits done Friday. A little over 20k words. I took a break from editing over the weekend and did more edits this morning. Only 5 or 6k words this time. Taking it easy because I’ve been feeling some mental strain from work.

I think I’m going to do my edits in smaller chunks until I’m done, even if it’s just a chapter a day. Just 20 more chapters to go...or 35k (sigh).

Future edits will be reflected on Laterpress (and soon Ream), with a few touches here and there on Vella and Neovel. I'll share snippets in a follow up post later this week.